• It’s All About Timing

    The moon still shining in the morning.

    Wildflowers in the sunrise.

    Time can’t be stopped, paused, replicated, repeated. Makes the most of it!

    I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this morning!

    Recently I asked God to stop my life right here and now. It’s such a wonderful time!

    It’s not what you have, it’s what you do with it! 🤍

  • In The Weeds

    Why I’m Setting Boundaries

    Whoever came up with the idea of camera in cell phones is an absolute genius! To have a camera in hand each and every minute of my life has changed it.

    I’m visual and artistic. It’s how I take in the world, process the ideas, and create order in my life. It’s taken me a very, very long time to figure it all out. Still in the works.

    What I’m Doing With It!

    I take at least one photo each day. It keeps me on my creative toes, constantly aware of my surroundings. My eyes and mind are filled with images, and I love capturing all I can!

    One of my peeves is expectations not being defined or communicated. Finding out after the fact I’ve not met expectations of those in my life has formed my most painful moments.

    I’ve known for too long I don’t have personal boundaries set for myself and those around me. Expectations are a huge part of this.

    Why I’m Doing It!

    Setting expectations for my home and the physical space I’ve established took serious effort. Restoring peace within my home and protecting that fiercely is a start, but it goes much further.

    My childhood, like many others, was complicated, with darkness interspersed throughout. As a young adult I stepped into a marriage which continued the patterns and mirrored closely the events. I’m no longer there. I’m not in that space.

    In my new space, I’m constructing boundaries to protect my intentions, my sanity, and my own expectations. For myself. I’m confirming an area for me to create, keeping out anything which hinders my ideas and compositions.

    How I’m Doing It!

    Recently I discovered a use of color which has changed the looks of my watercolors entirely. It’s within this space I expanded and understood color as a lively dynamic placed in front of me to be used to its greatest extent.

    Color is vigor and meaning. It’s the filter and the foundation infusing everything I do!

    I create the art, enjoy the moments, decorate the space, feel the feelings, speak the words, and fill the space.

     I’m intentionally and purposefully moving forward!

    I’m getting down into the weeds and finding the beautiful!

    I’m looking for it and finding it.

    I’m thinking, painting, writing, worshipping, achieving, sensing, enjoying, and living.

    I partake in the daily luxuries of coffee, movement, creation, and love.

    My boundaries are not centered on others. They’re protecting me and my possibilities. They’re allowing me to pay attention and be present.

    The weeds are there every day…always look for the beautiful!

    Hang with me and let’s share what we are doing with what we have.

  • Ivy Decor

    Ivy decorates the light inside the kitchen window.
  • Out of Arrangement

    These little lovelies fell onto my work table from and arrangement.
  • Lettered

    A hand lettered sign makes a fabulous gift.
  • Doggie Door

    The toddlers like it as much as the dogs.
  • Crayons

    I played with the grandbabies’ new toddler crayons in the 16 pack.

  • Celebration

    Celebrating the birth of Christ today and every day.
  • Christmas

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…Isaiah 9:6.
  • More Alyssum

    More from the chilly terra cotta pot.